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Citrus Fruits

Grateful Clients 
The following quotes are genuine expressions of gratitude from previous clients/students...


* "We want to acknowledge you, as you were an important influence and we want to thank you for that. We feel that without your guidance we wouldn't be in the position we are in now." [Lisa A and Millie.P].


* "I learnt things that I hadn't learnt before and I have now written the story under your guidance. This is not goodbye - just a thank you!" [Fletcher K]


* "James Joyce said, 'A man's mistakes are his portals of discovery.' I have learnt and improved because of you." [Jim M]


*"I'll always remember you as the best teacher of writing..." [Ann T]


*"Your great efforts are very much appreciated." [Mr. & Mrs. B]


*"Thank you; I'm sure you helped me pass my exams." [Neil B]


*"Thank you so very much for all of your hard work." [Olga Y]



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